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πŸ”›Β Β Stateful Button

Submitted by Zachary Blackwood


Button that keeps track of its state, so that it works as a toggle button



Works just like a normal streamlit button, but it remembers its state, so that it works as a toggle button. If you click it, it will be pressed, and if you click it again, it will be unpressed. Args and output are the same as for st.button

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/stateful_button/
def button(*args, key: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> bool:
    Works just like a normal streamlit button, but it remembers its state, so that
    it works as a toggle button. If you click it, it will be pressed, and if you click
    it again, it will be unpressed. Args and output are the same as for

    if key is None:
        raise ValueError("Must pass key")

    if key not in st.session_state:
        st.session_state[key] = False

    if "type" not in kwargs:
        kwargs["type"] = "primary" if st.session_state[key] else "secondary"

    derived_key = f"{key}_derived"

    if "on_click" in kwargs:
        original_on_click = kwargs["on_click"]
        original_on_click = None

    def callback():
        if original_on_click is not None:

    kwargs["on_click"] = callback

    st.button(*args, key=derived_key, **kwargs)

    return st.session_state[key]


from streamlit_extras.stateful_button import button # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file πŸ› 



def example():
    if button("Button 1", key="button1"):
        if button("Button 2", key="button2"):
            if button("Button 3", key="button3"):
                st.write("All 3 buttons are pressed")
Output (beta)