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📄  PDF Viewer

Submitted by Lukas Masuch


Display PDF documents from URLs or local files using the native browser rendering.



Display a PDF document.


Name Type Description Default
data str, Path, bytes, io.BytesIO, or file

The PDF to display. This can be one of the following: - A URL (string) for a hosted PDF file. - A path to a local PDF file. The path can be a str or Path object. Paths can be absolute or relative to the working directory (where you execute streamlit run). - Raw PDF data. Raw data formats must include all necessary file headers for a valid PDF document.

width int or None

The width of the PDF viewer in CSS pixels. By default, this uses the full container width.

height int or None

The height of the PDF viewer in CSS pixels. Defaults to 500.

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/pdf_viewer/
def pdf_viewer(
    data: PdfData, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None
) -> None:
    """Display a PDF document.

        data (str, Path, bytes, io.BytesIO, or file): The PDF to display. This can be one of the following:
            - A URL (string) for a hosted PDF file.
            - A path to a local PDF file. The path can be a ``str``
            or ``Path`` object. Paths can be absolute or relative to the
            working directory (where you execute ``streamlit run``).
            - Raw PDF data. Raw data formats must include all necessary file
            headers for a valid PDF document.

        width (int or None): The width of the PDF viewer in CSS pixels. By default, this uses the full
            container width.

        height (int or None): The height of the PDF viewer in CSS pixels. Defaults to 500.
    # Process width and height for HTML
    width_style = f"width: {width}px;" if width is not None else "width: 100%;"
    height_style = f"height: {height}px;" if height is not None else "height: 500px;"

    # Check if data is a URL
    if isinstance(data, str) and (
        or data.startswith("https://")
        # Support for pdf data urls:
        or data.startswith("data:application/pdf")
        # For URLs, use HTML directly
        pdf_url = data
        # For local files or raw data, process and store in media file manager
        coordinates = st._main._get_delta_path_str()

        # Convert data to appropriate format
        data_or_filename: Union[bytes, str, None]
        if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)):
            # Pass strings and bytes through unchanged
            data_or_filename = data
        elif isinstance(data, Path):
            data_or_filename = str(data)
        elif isinstance(data, io.BytesIO):
            data_or_filename = data.getvalue()
        elif isinstance(data, (io.RawIOBase, io.BufferedReader)):
            data_or_filename =

        if data_or_filename is None:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot process provided data of type: {type(data)}")
        # Add to media file manager
        from streamlit.runtime import Runtime

        runtime = Runtime.instance()
        pdf_url = runtime.media_file_mgr.add(
            data_or_filename, "application/pdf", coordinates

    html_content = f"""
        style="{width_style} {height_style}"

    st.markdown(html_content, unsafe_allow_html=True)


from streamlit_extras.pdf_viewer import pdf_viewer # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠



def example():
    """Example usage of the PDF viewer component."""
Output (beta)