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๐Ÿ’ ย ย Grid Layout

Submitted by Lukas Masuch


A multi-element container that places elements on a specified grid layout.



Insert a multi-element, grid container into your app.

This function inserts a container into your app that arranges multiple elements in a grid layout as defined by the provided spec. Elements can be added to the returned container by calling methods directly on the returned object.


Name Type Description Default
*spec int | Iterable[int]

One or many row specs controlling the number and width of cells in each row. Each spec can be one of: * An integer specifying the number of cells. In this case, all cells have equal width. * An iterable of numbers (int or float) specifying the relative width of each cell. E.g., [0.7, 0.3] creates two cells, the first one occupying 70% of the available width and the second one 30%. Or, [1, 2, 3] creates three cells where the second one is twice as wide as the first one, and the third one is three times that width. The function iterates over the provided specs in a round-robin order. Upon filling a row, it moves on to the next spec, or the first spec if there are no more specs.

gap Optional[str]

The size of the gap between cells, specified as "small", "medium", or "large". This parameter defines the visual space between grid cells. Defaults to "small".

vertical_align Literal['top', 'center', 'bottom']

The vertical alignment of the cells in the row. Defaults to "top".

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/grid/
def grid(
    *spec: SpecType,
    gap: Optional[str] = "small",
    vertical_align: Literal["top", "center", "bottom"] = "top",
    Insert a multi-element, grid container into your app.

    This function inserts a container into your app that arranges
    multiple elements in a grid layout as defined by the provided spec.
    Elements can be added to the returned container by calling methods directly
    on the returned object.

        *spec (int | Iterable[int]): One or many row specs controlling the number and width of cells in each row.
            Each spec can be one of:
                * An integer specifying the number of cells. In this case, all cells have equal
                * An iterable of numbers (int or float) specifying the relative width of
                each cell. E.g., ``[0.7, 0.3]`` creates two cells, the first
                one occupying 70% of the available width and the second one 30%.
                Or, ``[1, 2, 3]`` creates three cells where the second one is twice
                as wide as the first one, and the third one is three times that width.
                The function iterates over the provided specs in a round-robin order. Upon filling a row,
                it moves on to the next spec, or the first spec if there are no
                more specs.
        gap (Optional[str], optional): The size of the gap between cells, specified as "small", "medium", or "large".
            This parameter defines the visual space between grid cells. Defaults to "small".
        vertical_align (Literal["top", "center", "bottom"], optional): The vertical alignment of the cells in the row.
            Defaults to "top".

    container = st.container()
    return GridDeltaGenerator(


from streamlit_extras.grid import grid # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file ๐Ÿ› 



def example():
    random_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20, 3), columns=["a", "b", "c"])

    my_grid = grid(2, [2, 4, 1], 1, 4, vertical_align="bottom")

    # Row 1:
    my_grid.dataframe(random_df, use_container_width=True)
    my_grid.line_chart(random_df, use_container_width=True)
    # Row 2:
    my_grid.selectbox("Select Country", ["Germany", "Italy", "Japan", "USA"])
    my_grid.text_input("Your name")
    my_grid.button("Send", use_container_width=True)
    # Row 3:
    my_grid.text_area("Your message", height=68)
    # Row 4:
    my_grid.button("Example 1", use_container_width=True)
    my_grid.button("Example 2", use_container_width=True)
    my_grid.button("Example 3", use_container_width=True)
    my_grid.button("Example 4", use_container_width=True)
    # Row 5 (uses the spec from row 1):
    with my_grid.expander("Show Filters", expanded=True):
        st.slider("Filter by Age", 0, 100, 50)
        st.slider("Filter by Height", 0.0, 2.0, 1.0)
        st.slider("Filter by Weight", 0.0, 100.0, 50.0)
    my_grid.dataframe(random_df, use_container_width=True)
Output (beta)